Parochie Moeder Gods Bescherming

diocese, parishes & info links

Op deze pagina treft u een selectie aan met links naar websites en social communities binnen ROCOR en ons bisdom.

Heilige Maria van Egypte Kerk, Amsterdam/Aalsmeer
Onze parochie werd in 1948 opgericht door een groep immigranten en vluchtelingen uit Rusland en Oekraïne. Op zoek naar een kerk vonden ze uiteindelijk een klein huurhuisje aan de Muiderstraat 10, in het centrum van Amsterdam, vlakbij het Waterlooplein. Daar werd met eenvoudige middelen en materialen een huiskerk gecreëerd die de parochie tot 2010 heeft gediend.
Van 1951 tot 1962 was onze bisschop Vladika Ioan Maximovich. Zijn invloed heeft een blijvend stempel op de parochie gedrukt dat tot op de dag van vandaag voortduurt. Sinds 2012 maakt onze parochie één weekend per maand gebruik van de Oud-Katholieke Kerk in Aalsmeer om onze diensten te houden. Sinds februari 2016 delen we onze zondagsdienst met onze broeders en zusters van de Roemeense parochie van St. Ioan Chrysostom.
Ere zij God!

Website (NL) :
Missiekapel van het heilig Aangezicht van de Heer, Maastricht
Missiekapel van aartspriester Stefan Weerts

website (RU, EN) :
telegram : Chapel of the Holy Face, St.Thomas Brotherhood,a Maastricht.
Verrijzenis van Chrisutus-kerk, Brussel
Parochie van aartspriester Stefan Weerts

website :
telegram :
Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe.
Welcome to the official web site of the Church Abroad’s Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe.
Dwelling and living in the Diaspora, this historic Diocese shares the rich treasures of Orthodox Christianity with all peoples, embracing the Orthodox history of these lands and the intercessions of our host of local Saints, in order to draw peoples of every nationality, tongue, age and race into the life of the Gospel that has been proclaimed in our Church for more than 2,000 years.
Celebrating its centenary jubilee in 2021, the Church Abroad (also known as the ROCOR: Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia) continues in the ancient tradition of our Holy Fathers, preserving the true faith in Christ across the generations, standing firm upon the foundations laid by the Apostles. Our Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe has a remarkable history, numbering amongst its Ruling Bishops the universally-beloved St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker, and maintaining a pious adherence to the full life of the Orthodox Church in parishes that range from pre-revolutionary cathedrals to newly-established parishes and missions. We welcome you to partake of the sacramental, pastoral and missionary life of our communities today.

website (RU, EN, FR) :

The Diocese’s Telegram channel is a convenient way to receive news, photographs, sermons, updates and other media, direct to your device via the Telegram app. You can preview the most recent posts below; or subscribe directly to the Channel via Telegram at this link:
ROCOR - the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
The Official Website of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

website (RU, EN) :
Russische Orthodoxe Kirche im Ausland, Deutsche Diözese
Der Bote der deutschen Diözese der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche im Ausland

website (RU, DE) :
Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem ROCOR
Including links to the website of: the Ascension Monastery on the Mount of Olives, the monastery of St. Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles in Gethsemane and the Sisterhood of the Lord’s Resurrection and Bethany Orthodox School for Girls (see contact page).

website (RU, EN) :
AECMC All-European Church Music Committee
The Committee has as its goal the improvement of the quality of church singing and the coordination of church-music activities of the European dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. The Committee’s activities in the field of church singing are carried out in collaboration with choir conductors and singers of other churches of the Russian tradition regardless of their jurisdictional affiliation. Our plans include the creation of a Liturgical-Music school in Europe on the model of the Synodal School of Liturgical Music in Jordanville (USA), and the continuation of the tradition of yearly music conferences.

website (RU, N) :
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